RMG Sector

For Buyers: 

  1. Buyers can find the right supplier by posting their inquiries.
  2. Buyers can find the right supplier for their product by visiting the supplier’s profile.

For Suppliers:

  1. Suppliers can list their Company Profile on our platform.
  2. Suppliers can take work orders by submitting Quotations to the Buyer’s inquiry.
  3. We will provide Buyer List access to suppliers, through which suppliers can directly contact buyers and take work orders.

How does a supplier find buyers from our platform?

1. First you need to register an account on rmgsector.com (it’s free).
Account registration link: https://www.rmgsector.com/signup/

2. Listing your company profile on our platform. Remember that the company profile must be well organized. Because from this, the buyer will get a basic idea about your service and company. Buyers will visit your company profile, if they like it then buyer will contact you.
Company profile listing link: https://www.rmgsector.com/supplier-list/ click “Add Listing” Button.

3. Just as you are looking for buyers to expand your business, buyers are also looking for the right suppliers to expand their business. So at various times buyers look for suppliers by posting their inquiries on our platform. Find the inquiries you can supply from among the inquiries. In that inquiry you submit the quotation along with your company profile. If the buyer likes your company profile and quotation, the buyer will contact you then place the work order.
Buyer inquiry list: https://www.rmgsector.com/inquiry/

4. When you become a premium member of our platform you will be given list of buyers according to your package and category. The buyer’s name, designation, email address, company name and company website link will be given in that list. By using this information you can contact the buyer directly. Whichever will be most effective, but make sure that the introduction mail you send to the buyer is informative.
Buyer list link: https://www.rmgsector.com/buyer-list/
